loren Eric Swanson: Under the Tuscan Sun

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Under the Tuscan Sun

I'm back in Florence, Italy for a few days at the invitation of Greg and Charmaine Lillestrand, National directors of Campus Crusade in Italy--unbelivably great people who left a pretty good job in the states to help figure out how to launch movements everywhere in Italy so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.

Greg's devotional this morning was powerful. "When we folow the Lord we move from the known to the unknown."

"When we went overseas it was a scrifice but it soon became a desire...and that's where we operate--between sacrifice and desire."


At Sunday, June 17, 2007 7:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Eric,
Do you happen to remember a Brantley Gasaway and Katie Krease who pioneered the Netherlands Stint team its first two years? I (Katie) may have sought some of your counsel on how to deal with this difficult team leader of ours when we were at the mid year conference in Nerja, Spain. Well, we've now been married for almost 7 years and Brantley is finishing up a PhD at UNC-Chapel Hill. However you advised me to deal with him must have worked! Anyway, we were thinking about the Lillestrands and thought we'd try to find them on the web. Is this their daughter that Charmaine is holding in this pic? Just wondered about their family... We miss WSN! You all impacted us greatly. If you know of any believers in Des Moines, IA let us know. Brantley is interviewing for a job at Drake University.
Katie Gasaway


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