Wells not Walls
A “centered set,” on the other hand, consists of persons who share a common affection, interest, pursuit or allegiance to someone or something. The centered set can be depicted as a dot on a sheet of paper without any boundary determining who is “in” or who is “out.” Some people may be less passionate or committed than others but they are all directing themselves toward the same center. The major question of those of the centered set is, “Do you care about what I care about?”
In some farming communities, the farmers might build fences around their properties to keep their livestock in and the livestock of neighboring farms out. This is a bounded set…. In our home in Australia…ranches are so vast that fences are superfluous. Under these conditions a farmer has to sink a bore and create a well, a precious water supply in the Outback. It is assumed that livestock, though they will stray, will never roam too far from the well, lest they die. This is a centered set.[i]
Churches that are transforming their communities think in terms of sinking wells rather than building walls. A “well” is what people in the community mutually care about. Churches that are transforming communities don’t divide over their differences but unite with other churches and organizations around their common love for the community. It’s about the well not about the wall.
[i] The Shaping of Things to Come, by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch, Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, Massachusetts, 2004, p.47
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